Tuesday, June 18, 2013


I began practicing yoga regularly a little over a year ago when one of my life long friends became a teacher and moved back to the area. She found a newly opened studio, Pradipika, that specializes in hot vinyasa or 'power' yoga and began teaching a few classes. Attending a weekly class with Jenna changed my life- I was someone who had never (and I mean never) worked out regularly and could not even touch my toes when I started... regular practice made me stronger of course but it also did so much more for me. 
It wasn't until winter, when I started also practicing at home in addition to my class that my flow became so much more than just a workout. I started to see real progress, I began to challenge myself every night and at class on Monday I couldn't believe what I could achieve. It took me about 6 months to move into my 'crow' pose- it is a pose that involves balance, strength, confidence and ease and when I finally got it, I felt I can do anything. Now I can go from crow to a headstand back to crow and then jump back to a plank- all from daily practice. Finding myself in poses I'd struggled with for months gave me confidence in a way I have never experienced. It made me wish I had been involved in sports much earlier in life but also grateful that I found yoga when I did. 

This is a way higher crow pose than I currently capable of- I'll get there. 

Hot yoga is something special. It is a release beyond release. I imagine the sweat leaving my body as toxins and negative energy- I replace it with strength, flexibility and persistence. I guess you could say I have gotten 'better' at yoga but it is ALWAYS a challenge, to me, it never becomes easier, the more skilled you get in a pose the further you can go. That is something I need- the bar is constantly set a bit higher and that is a huge motivation to keep practicing. I have gained 8-10 pounds of muscle since starting, my body has transformed but in that, again, I see how much further I can go. 
I consider myself a spiritual person and my beliefs are in line with the lessons yoga teaches- I can't help but smile on my mat, I feel like I am doing myself the greatest favor both physically and spiritually. 
Recently, Pradipika became one of my marketing clients and the relationship has only further fueled my passion. 
Thank you to Jenna and everyone at Pradipika for fueling one of the most positive movements forward in my life. It is because of yoga that I see a clear future of love, light and growth.

Next pose to concur? A completely freestanding headstand. I have a 'yoga wall' at home where I hold a hand stand for as long as I can everyday, practicing balance but I have yet to hold one completely without the aid of the wall. My goal is to get there this summer...

And P.S- if you've never done an 'OM' I highly suggest you attend a class just to try it- truly soul shifting. 

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