Tuesday, June 11, 2013


"The human Heart is now documented as the strongest generator of both electrical and magnetic fields in the body. Important, because we've always been taught that the brain is where all of the action is. While the brain does have an electrical & a magnetic field, they are both relatively weak compared to the Heart. The Heart is about 100,000 times stronger electrically & up to 5,000 times stronger magnetically than the brain. Important, because the physical world - as we know it - is made of those 2 fields: electrical & magnetic fields of Energy. Physics now tells us that if we can change either the magnetic field or the electrical field of the atom, we literally change that atom and its elements within our body and this world. The human Heart is designed to do both.

If breath controls the heart, and heart produces our most powerful field generator, then breath becomes our catalyst for changing our field. Physics demonstrates that a change in our electromagnetic field, produces atomic level transformation: as we change our energy, we change our state (of matter), and moreover, everyone we encounter.

In martial art, yoga, bodywork, counseling and coaching, we use a tool called entrainment: a technique for synchronizing and controlling of cardiac rhythm by an external stimulus, in most cases to our own breath. As we breath, so too does the entrained individual or group. As we change breath, and entrain others to do so, we change the heart rhythm - the most powerful force in the human body.

There is much more going on than we realize, even with our most current, cutting edge science. Breathe.

Your Heart is the Harmonizer of your Body!

The key factor in maintaining health in the body is to re-establish harmonious communications between all the systems & body parts. This enables the body to synchronize its activities, adapt to the stresses of life and heal.

The brain is like the CEO of the body and if it is stressed or overwhelmed by what is going on in your life (or has been) then it is not going to take care of your body. It won't do a very good job of conducting good relationships, harmony or delegating well, or even see who else in the body is slacking off. The brain may be so stressed it does not even know what it should be doing, let alone the lungs, liver or digestive system.

The heart is like the emperor of the whole body/mind, it is in ultimate charge, the conductor. Our heart is our personality and within each heart beat our awareness is re-created over and over.

Many hearts are armored for protection. They do not follow their heart, for fear of being hurt ..... Or have been so hurt that they are over-controlling. This leaves the brain to try to "live our lives for us", tells the stories, not the truth, relives the past & fears the future, and because of the overstress, hurt and imbalance in our brains, many lives are a mess and our health is a mess.

When heart and head (brain) are in harmony then the whole body/mind adapts to life’s' overstress and heals easier and miracles can occur.

It is not just our thoughts that are stressed, but all our cells are impacted & put into a state of dis-ease…THUS the heart & head are the true rulers of our body, and we need to get them communicating, in harmony so we can be in our heart, in out truth, instead of stories, in our head and recreating the same old same old!

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Love this. 

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